A voice and vision for Australia’s temperate reefs.

Our Mission

Latest News

  • Nature Positive Summit

    This month the GSRF cofounders are at the Nature Positive Summit in Sydney, an influential event bringing together leaders from across government, science and corporate sectors. The summit has had a focus on advancing strategies to halt biodiversity loss and drive investment to protect and repair natural ecosystems, aligning with global efforts to create a nature positive future. The GSRF team are here ensuring temperate reefs have a voice in these important discussions. 

  • New Ocean Literacy Guide Released

    We are excited to announce the new edition of the Teacher’s Guide for Ocean Literacy: Over & Under the Waves of the Great Southern Reefhas been released as part of a project aimed at improving ocean literacy in schools. Designed for primary educators, this resource brings marine science concepts to life through storytelling and hands-on activities that align with the Australian Curriculum.

    To download the guide and access our other teacher resources check out our GSR educator hub. In the new video below, watch how GSR ocean literacy champion Kim at the Lorne P-12 College is utilising the program to inspire students to become passionate advocates for the Great Southern Reef. 

  • Project Restore Advances Marine Ecosystem Revival

    Project Restore is an ambitious initiative aimed at restoring and enhancing degraded seascapes within Sydney Harbour by integrating four independent marine projects under the Sydney Institute of Marine Science: Operation Posidonia, Operation Crayweed, Living Seawalls, and Fish Pods. This collaboration focuses on rehabilitating Posidonia australis seagrass meadows, kelp forests, and creating artificial habitats like Living Seawalls and Reef Pods. The project's collective efforts target improving biodiversity, restoring key ecosystems, and enhancing the overall health of Sydney Harbour's marine environments.

  • Operation Crayweed Leads Global Kelp Mission

    Operation Crayweed is excited to announce that they have received funding from the Ian Potter Foundation. The funds will support the ‘Local to Global: Strategies for Accelerating Kelp Restoration’ initiative over the next 4 years. In collaboration with the Kelp Forest Alliance, this effort aims to restore and reconnect crayweed habitats, enhance the rich biodiversity they support, and ensure Australia contributes to the global mission of protecting and restoring 4 million hectares of kelp forests by 2040. They are also partnering with AIME to share their collective story with the broader community which they hope to encourage people with a deeper connection to our underwater world.

  • Award-Winning Film Release

    In parallel with GSR kelp restoration efforts, the Kelp Forest Alliance has released an award-winning documentary titled Gardening Marine Forests, directed by GSRF cofounder Stefan Andrews. The film, co-produced with marine scientists Adriana Verges of the GSR Research Partnership and Aaron Eger of the Kelp Forest Alliance, showcases the inspiring journey of kelp restoration efforts in South Korea. It explores how a hands-on approach to reviving kelp forests is yielding success and creating sustainable ocean ecosystems and investigates how lessons from overseas could be useful for restoration efforts back here in Australia across our GSR.

  • Port Phillip Bay Restoration Update

    The Port Phillip Bay Golden Kelp restoration project is contributing to the recovery of crucial kelp forest habitats. Watch the new video below to learn about how the project has been successfully growing microscopic golden kelp in the laboratory at the Queenscliff Marine Science Centre and planted out onto targeted areas, ready to mature. 


Support Our Work

Together, we can build a future where the rich biodiversity of our kelp forests thrives and serves as a source of pride for all Australians.